
See ONLY The Top Amazon Products

Best Sellers > Amazon Choice

Automated badge syndrome.

Amazon is a really powerful company that makes millions of lives easier. (and occasionally harder) At the end of the day, they aim to help customers find what they want faster. Enter “Amazon Choice”. 

From our understanding the title “Amazon Choice” is algorithmically (automated based on stats, searches, clicks, interests, purchases etc) assigned to products that fit within a specific (made up) keyword the people use when looking for a product. You can be the “Amazon Choice” for “red shoes” or “purple granola t-shirts”. Whatever anyone is searching for, that keyword can be automatically assigned to a product with the designation “Amazon Choice”.

“a specific (made up) keyword the people use when looking for a product.”

The truth is that its a label thrown on a product because Amazon’s formula thinks it’s relevant to some searched-for word (occasionally it is). It makes the product look more “official” as an implied/curated “Choice” of Amazon when in fact it’s not. People think it equates to quality, purchase it, get buyers remorse, return or discard it. Earth suffers from more trash and the cycle continues. 

Is there a better way?

Yes. Yes, there is. 

It’s called statistics and making it easier for customers to know which products are actually enjoyed and purchase by the largest amount of people. 

Enter “Best Sellers”. Its a statistically calculated designation given to 100 products that fall within a specific product category or department. The title “best seller” is given to the product that is #1 on a specific Best Seller list. To get there, the product has been evaluated by a number of metrics.

  • It may have sold more volume during it’s product lifespan.
  • It may have sold a very large volume in the past 24 hours
  • It may receive more traffic and clicks and “add to cart”s than other competitors. 
  • It may have a superior combination of these and other factors in comparison to other products in the category. 

“Ok, cool. So I should shop by best sellers because it is a more reliable metric to base my purchase decisions on” – said you mentally as you read this. 

“slow your road buddy” – said us with a smile 😉 

You can’t search by best sellers on Amazon. You can’t filter by best sellers either. You can only search and then click the best seller product that comes up. Problem with that is you’ll never know if you have chosen a best seller in an Amazon department that is most relevant to your search. There are HUNDREDS of nested categories and no way of knowing them without hunting through thousands of menu links. It’s bonkers. 

We have a solution though. Use our website to see a bunch of relevant best seller product categories instantly. It’s ad free, it’s fee free, it’s free free. The best part is that once you leave our website to see the Amazon Best Seller pages, there are absolutely NO SPONSORED PRODUCTS.

Not having to ignore the ads means you can find the product you want faster, enjoy it quicker and return it less. It’s great for Amazon, its wonderful for us and it’s magical for the planet.

Try it out:

Just “Add to Homescreen” and enjoy! :)

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