
See ONLY The Top Amazon Products


Search for general product industries:

  1. i.e. “running shoes”, “headphones” or “soap” instead of “Nike”, “Bose” or “Dove.”
  2. Get inspired to save up for higher-quality, local, & sustainable products.

“The Amazon Best Sellers calculation is based on Amazon.com sales and is updated hourly to reflect recent and historical sales of every item sold on Amazon.com.” 

You can read articles about it herehere and here.

These pages are ad-free and ranked by:

  1. Total sales in the past 24hrs
  2. Historical sales over all time.

The #1 Best Seller that we see is usually a low-quality, low-price item that sells in high volumes. Our website links the top 100 most-ordered to display well-reviewed alternatives.

Nope, you cannot. No sorting/ filters either! 🙂 Best seller pages have 0 ads & allowing customers to shop this way may hurt profits from “sponsored” products.

We believe this is why shoppers are unable to search or filter by Best Sellers.

We believe this type of unbiased shopping is a stepping stone on the road to mindful consumer spending.

At the moment, no. (or so we think, let us know!) We may currently be the only free way to Search Best Sellers, fast.

Read An Article About it


Your “top-secret” obscure niche item from that brand no one knows about, ya, it’s on the list. (Assuming the product category has a best seller list page on Amazon.)

The first items on a best seller page are typically sold more due to lower cost (& usually quality). Scroll down a bit on the list, you’ll be delighted most times. The creme tends to rise to the top no matter how rich. 


Just “Add to Homescreen” and enjoy! :)

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